Removal of Cervical Lymph Nodes and Neck Dissection

Many cases of head and neck cancer spread to the neck or cervical lymph nodes. While these metastasized cells are sometimes large enough for detection with imaging exams, they are often microscopic and therefore undetectable through traditional modalities.

Neck dissection is a surgical procedure to remove cancerous lymph nodes or if the nodes are suspected to contain cancerous cells. There are several different types of neck dissection procedures. The best type for each patient will be determined after a thorough evaluation of your condition by an experienced doctor.

Removal of Cervial Lymph Nodes and Neck Dissection Treatment

Surgical Treatment of Cancer

When cancers of the nasal cavity and sinuses spread to the lymphatic system, nodes in the neck – or cervical – area may require removal. This is called neck dissection, for which there are several approaches. Selective, or partial, dissection removes only a few lymph nodes.

Modified radical neck dissection removes lymph nodes from one side of the neck between the collarbone and jawbone, as well as some muscle and nerve tissue. A radical neck dissection removes the same nodes on one side, and much more additional tissue, including nerves, muscles, and veins. Any neck dissection procedure runs the risk of nerve damage, resulting in temporary or permanent numbness of the ear, weakness when raising the arm on the side of the surgery, and weakness in the lower lip.


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