Singing Voice Therapy / Vocal Pedagory Services

Singing voice therapy is highly beneficial for singers, public speakers, and other professionals who constantly using their voice can benefit as well. Using various breathing techniques and exercises, singing voice therapy can help all professionals use their voice more powerfully.

Singing Voice Therapy / Vocal Pedagory Service Treatments

Diagnosis with Flexible Laryngoscopy

Reflux of gastric acids may produce temporary or chronic irritation of the larynx, esophagus, vocal cords, and throat. Two conditions related to reflux are laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Though similar in origin, each condition has its own symptoms. GERD is typically a life-long condition, but one that responds well to treatment.

LPR doesn’t usually require long-term care, but may take weeks to months before treatment begins to improve its condition. Controlling acid reflux is often the first step of treatment, accompanied with changing behaviors. Since the sensation of throat obstruction is common, alternatives must be adopted as typical throat clearing aggravates the injuries cause by these conditions.

Speech Therapy

For people who make their living using their voice, such as public speakers, entertainers, television and radio personnel, or teachers, constant use may cause hoarseness or other throat and voice issues. Problems that frequently arise from improper use of the voice include discomfort or pain, vocal strain, and voice fatigue.

Complications include vocal cord nodes, cysts, swollen or bleeding vocal cords, and paralysis of the vocal cords. Speech therapy introduces exercises and practices to relieve the strain on the voice and rehabilitate vocal abuse behaviors, and may also include diet and lifestyle changes when reflux contributes to throat and vocal cord irritation.


Examination of problems with the larynx and vocal cords often requires a detailed analysis of how the vocal cords themselves move. Since they vibrate at high speed, videostroboscopy exams simulate slow motion movement of the vocal cords.

The procedure may be done with a rigid endoscope through the mouth or a flexible endoscope through the nose and rear of the throat. The patient produces sounds of various pitch and volume while a video recording tracks the activity of the vocal cords. This permits detailed viewing of the vocal cord vibrations for purposes of diagnosis.

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